After selecting the location for the game, you may wonder what is the Vallorant install size. After opening it and signing in to your account for Riot Games, you can download Valorant from the home screen. This is in stark contrast to the previous client size of 179 MB. If you decide to go through the official website of Riot Games, you’ll need to download a Valorant executable that requires 65.8 MB of space. Thus, at the time of writing this article, Valorant requires this much space, depending on the platform: For Riot Games website It’s been over a year and a half since those specs were relevant. While that statement isn’t wrong, it was only true for a time, more precisely, shortly after launch. You must’ve seen a plethora of system requirements for Valiant, as well as dedicated articles that mention Valorant only requires 7 GB, 8 GB, or 11 GB of disk space. Valorant storage space system requirements